An Epistle to my Children

I am travelling abroad with work this week to quite a dangerous place and so felt it was expedient to put something in writing.

An Epistle to my Children 2012 pdf

                                                                            An Epistle to my Children

Tranquility and contentment will grow in you with age, but it does not come to us without seeking it and wanting to grow as individuals as we travel through life’s twisting passageways, learning the lessons from each experience, that happen, whether they are good or bad.

Time is both our friend and our enemy and to grow closer to any friend we must constantly stoke the fires of our friendship. A fire which is fuelled by both people burns brightly, but when fuelled by one person it withers and flickers without purpose and when without fuel, it is allowed to die and extinguish, becoming cold and unwelcoming in the grate. Treat time as a good friend who can help you to discover all the wonders that the world has to offer. Treat your friends similarly and they will remain loyal. Assume nothing and seek the truth always.
If you are a man or a woman take pride in your masculinity or femininity and always be accepting of others, for we are all human beings whoever we are and others maybe born to follow a path which may not always be as clear as the one you have chosen. All people are intrinsically good and treat them as such and you will receive good things in return.
Always thirst for knowledge, particularly of yourself, for it is free and can only bring you great joy and wisdom, to help you to help others and yourself. Remember money, has only an instrumental value and pursuit of it will never bring you true happiness but the intrinsic value of love, in family and friendships is irreplaceable, costing nothing, but your time and care and will bring you the greatest happiness.
Always be proud and dignified in your cultural heritage, recognizing all the parts and qualities that make you who you are and who you wish to become and make sure that you pass this knowledge onto your children so that they may also have a strong sense of identity, as this is the cornerstone of self esteem and self worth which is the springboard into a confident and successful life.
Hurt no-one intentionally but always stand firm by your principles recognizing that others may have different ones, which mean as much to them, as yours do to you.
It is not necessary to have a faith to behave ethically and so always strive to do the right thing and acknowledge when you have not. An apology costs nothing, but repairs all, when given sincerely.
Remember once you have lost your honour, you may never get it back; it is the most precious thing you have and will bring you through all the adversity that you may encounter in life.

Keep your honour safe and close to your heart, love unconditionally and without judging, your family and your friends. Seek knowledge assiduously, for its own sake and life will always look kindly upon you and yours.

Your Dad

20th January 2012

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